What is the Shelter Island Association?
The Shelter Island Association is a gathering of people dedicated to initiating, broadening, assisting, and encouraging a continuing participation by residents and property owners in any activity having a bearing on the betterment, advancement, and best interests of Shelter Island, NY. The Association is a not-for-profit (and nonpartisan) group of people working together for common goals.
Who May Join?
Any resident of Shelter Island and any owner of real estate in the Town of Shelter Island may apply for membership in the Association by paying the annual dues. If you might be interested in becoming a member please visit our Become a Member page.
What Has It Done?
Since its inception in 1967, the Association has been instrumental in helping to protect our:
- Quality of life
- Environment
- Water supply
- Zoning
- Open space
- Accessibility to town government
- Financial stability